
We Need Your Help
The Mousam Lake Region Association is a 100% volunteer organization. We are constantly looking for Members who are interested in giving back to the MLRA community, with many opportunities to assist in achieving our mission. Those opportunities consist of the following:
  • Board of Directors (3 year terms, 2+ hour meeting 10 times per year, various other items)
  • Newsletter Editor and Contributors (assist in generating our Bi-Annual newsletters for our members, contributing articles relevant to our charter)
  • MLRA Dive Team provides hands-on removal of invasives in the lake
  • Invasive Plan Patrol – IPP (training provided to asses and determine aquatic plant issues, looking for volunteers to encompass the watershed shoreline, about 10 hours per season, usually later summer)
  • Website Administrators (monthly updates to the website for news/education/photos/events – 2 hours per month)
  • Beach Patrol (stop by the beach at the Foot and keep presentable – 2 hours per summer weekend)
  • Water Quality Monitor (testing of the water quality, usually performed during weekdays during the summer, will require training on equipment and boat to access the testing stations. Preferably a year round or full time summer resident).
  • Various other opportunities such as assisting with the Annual Meeting and the ASYCC Golf Tournament.
Please reach out to us at general@mousamlake.org is you are interested in any of the above volunteer opportunities. Many hands make light work!!

We Need Your Help
The Mousam Lake Region Association is a 100% volunteer organization. We are constantly looking for Members who are interested in giving back to the MLRA community, with many opportunities to assist in achieving our mission. Those opportunities consist of the following:
  • Board of Directors (3 year terms, 2+ hour meeting 10 times per year, various other items)
  • Newsletter Editor and Contributors (assist in generating our Bi-Annual newsletters for our members, contributing articles relevant to our charter)
  • MLRA Dive Team provides hands-on removal of invasives in the lake
  • Invasive Plan Patrol – IPP (training provided to asses and determine aquatic plant issues, looking for volunteers to encompass the watershed shoreline, about 10 hours per season, usually later summer)
  • Website Administrators (monthly updates to the website for news/education/photos/events – 2 hours per month)
  • Beach Patrol (stop by the beach at the Foot and keep presentable – 2 hours per summer weekend)
  • Water Quality Monitor (testing of the water quality, usually performed during weekdays during the summer, will require training on equipment and boat to access the testing stations. Preferably a year round or full time summer resident).
  • Various other opportunities such as assisting with the Annual Meeting and the ASYCC Golf Tournament.
Please reach out to us at general@mousamlake.org is you are interested in any of the above volunteer opportunities. Many hands make light work!!