The work at the dam for this project was essentially completed on December 11 and the water has been restored to the normal winter level. In total, about 2,150 gallons of grout were pumped into 26 bore locations. As reported earlier, one bore location received 1,072 gallons of grout. The next two largest grout deposits were between 125 – 150 gallons, and all of the remaining locations received less than 100 gallons. With the large amount of grout that has been pumped into the dam, I’m fairly confident that the major voids have been filled, that the dam is much more solid than before the work was done, and I’m hopeful that the leaks will be minimal when we raise the level again in the late spring.
After the grouting process was completed, the remainder of the rip rap work, capping of the dam, and road work were completed. There were some areas that were loamed and seeded in December, and we’ll have to be sure that the seed germinates and grows in the spring.